Category Archives: Posts

Teaching in the Open: Open Pedagogy and Responsible Pedagogy

It was an honor to share my work on open pedagogy as a teaching strategy with the University of British Columbia Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (@UBC_CTLT). They put together a little video vignette as part of their Open Dialogues that allowed me to (1) explain  the experiences that led me to become an advocate for Open Educational Resources (OER), (2) talk about the role of BCcampus in promoting OER in British Columbia, (3) define why OER are critical approaches to responsible pedagogy, and (4) reflect on what open pedagogy means to learners (and I include both “students” and myself as a “professor” in the category of learners).

Here is the CTLT post and video:

I have a long term itch to write about why open pedagogy matters for geography, environmental studies, and environmental sciences… but that will have to wait until after the the Association of American Geographers meeting in San Francisco and our presentation on using open science approaches for teaching Geographic Information Science.

By the way, I should also point out the presentations by my colleagues on our collaborative research on understanding the neoliberalization of pedagogy and the geography of teaching and learning (Turner) and on developing virtual reality and augmented reality field trip (Brown)! Here’s a taste of the virtual reality Sea-to-Sky field trip that we developed as an experiment using 360 cameras, Holobuilder, and Google Cardboard to increase field trip accessibility!


Tchabal Mbabo Faro et Deo SRTM

Watershed Delineation GIS – Open Education Resource

The above slides are a tutorial for people who want to learn how to do watershed delineation using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM). The tutorial is free and licensed as CC BY SA. This is a direct link to the slides in Google Docs where they can be downloaded in multiple formats.

The tutorial uses SRTM 1 Arc-Second (30 meter resolution) data to map the Faro River basin near the Cameroon and Nigeria border. The methods can be applied to any region as the data for the tutorial is free (open data) from USGS that can be downloaded here

I created this tutorial for my Advanced Geographic Information Science students at UBC in March 2016. The tutorial uses ArcMap 10.3, so you will need access to that software and the software’s Spatial Analyst license.

Let me know if you find it useful or see something that could be improved!

Where are Tchabal Mbabo and the Faro River?

Tchabal Mbabo cliffs looking out on the Faro River Basin. Arthur G. Green (CC BY SA).
Tchabal Mbabo cliffs looking out on the Faro River Basin. Arthur G. Green (CC BY SA).


Creative Commons License

Watershed Delineation by Arthur Gill Green is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.